Sunday, March 1, 2015

C4T 2

     For Comments for Teachers #2, I as assigned to the blog posts of John Spencer, who's topics encompassed many different aspects of a teachers life both in and out of the classroom.  John's blog (found here has offered a host of fresh new ideas to me that I believe are vital to a teacher, whether they are new or experienced.
     The first blog post of John's that I read and commented on was Why I enjoy Dressing Up For Work.  As you can imagine, the blog post discussed John's his personal belief about dressing up for work.  In his mind this is truly what makes someone an adult.  He remembers his father and how he would get ready with a suit and tie every morning and how John looked at that as maturity and adulthood.  When I commented on this post, I could definitely relate to John.  When I was growing up I can remember my father putting on is Air Force uniform and thinking that that uniform was what made him an adult.  It was all business.  I looked forward to when it would be my time to dawn my uniform and set a standard in younger minds.  I liked that John's feeling about dressing up, it helps to make you feel like an adult more so than other things and I can relate to that.  It really has no bearing on how well you teach, but its more of the ideas behind the suit that matter.

Suit and Tie

The next blog post of John's that I commented on was his Seven Surprising Things About Creativity.
When educating of course we are going to aspire to have our students be creative and with this blog post John discusses seven points about creativity that most people really don't think about.  After reading the ideas that he discussed in his post, it really shed some light on aspects of creativity that I had not previously thought about.  When I commented on I made points to talk about his seventh point, "Creativity isn't always fun."  I could relate to this because most people view a finished product and comment on how creative it is and how nice it looks, but most of the time people have no idea the agonizing amount of time you've spent in order to get to that point.  The other point that I liked was "'Consuming' is necessary for creating."  This idea encourages the idea that students must be exposed to all sorts of mediums in order to really get the creativity flowing.  I thought this blog post was insightful and found it to be a great resource as a future educator.

Creativity + Conversation

Overall I found John's blog posts to be very creative and helpful.

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