Comments for Student's Summary
1st Comment:
The first blog post that I was assigned to comment on was Fransico V's Blog. In his blog post he talked about how much he liked winter weather. I commented on this because I used to live in North Dakota and how I could relate to his liking for snow. I liked his post because it reminded me of when I was younger and ran around having snowball fights.
2nd Comment:
The second post that I read and commented on was about a young male student who talked about his youth league soccer team and how well they were doing. I commented on it and talked about how I could relate to him through playing sports. I always grew up playing sports, however I never played soccer. Some of my best friends played soccer and I encouraged him to stay passionate about his sport and keep going.
3rd Comment :
The third and final blog I commented on was rather difficult. The student that I was assigned to hadn't had any posts so I chose to comment on a different students. In their post they discussed a short summary of what they had read in "The Maze Runner". My comments pertained more to the parts in their post when they talked about relating to the main character. I liked how the student was relating the characters that they were finding in their reading and I encouraged them to continue drawing connections in order to help their reading progress.
I know that the last two comments do not have links, I forgot to copy the link address for my summary. I tried summarize what exactly I commented on the posts as closely as I could.
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